Saturday, March 3, 2012

Extra outlet

When I travel, I'm often frustrated by the lack of electrical outlets in hotel rooms.
It's almost like the places don't understand that
we travelers need to be able to "plug in and recharge"
It's even more important to be able to do that in a hotel
than when we're at home.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate this simple gesture of kindness:
an extra outlet in the base of the lamp.
Thank you, kind hotel.
You've made my stay here even more enjoyable.

Hurry Up and Bloom

I don't know what this plant is called. Sooner or later it will bloom and be really lovely. In the meantime, and for most of the year, it kind of freaks me out.

Bumper Sticker

I've never been big on bumper stickers; I don't mind bumper stickers on other people's cars, even amuse myself  in traffic reading them and learning about these driver's children's academic achievements, places traveled, political and religious views as well as their sense of humors. One day though while rounding around the back of my van, I saw that a sticker had been added to it; at first glance, I was slightly miffed since I have avoided having any stickers placed on my vehicle but then read it and realized who must have placed it there and didn't have the heart to remove it. The sticker happens to represent a true statement and so it remains and I join all the other sticker boasting commuters on the highway.