Monday, April 16, 2012

Fruit Vendor

nap time

While I work, pets nap.

Without a Digital Camera

My digital camera will not turn on. It has been getting temperamental lately, but this is the first time it has simply refused to turn on. Ah, technology. 

I do miss using my basic Pentax K1000, 100% manual, film camera. I miss twisting the dials, checking the light meter, winding film. I miss slowing down and taking the time to set up a good composition. I miss view finders.

With my "Just Four Photos" pictures locked away inside a tiny purple drive within the little digital Sony, I'm instead looking through my "real" photo stuff. Negatives, proof sheets, 8x10 printed photos . . . came across this bit of a proof sheet from some work I did a while back in the black and white photo lab at Otis.

Without a digital camera, I'll need to find a new way to post what I notice each day. At least, until my camera decides to turn back on, or I bite the bullet and buy a new one.