A few weeks ago I planted a few garlic to see what might happen. I used some dirt from the yard, some bagged garden soil from the store, and some compost from our kitchen waste. We don't really "take care of" our kitchen-waste compost. We don't have a fancy recepticle - just a trash can with air holes drilled in the sides. It rarely gets turned or mixed. We don't harvest worms. We just let the scraps do their own thing and pretty soon it looks good enough to mix in with the other dirt. I'm so glad we don't do it "right" because what we get is just too much fun to miss. Yes, the garlic that I planted seems to be growing just fine, but I've also got about eight mystery vines growing among the garlic. Two, I think, are pumpkin, which is surpising because we almost never have pumpkin in our kitchen. Maybe they're acron squash - that would make more sense. Another, I'm pretty sure, is butternut squash. I love butternut squash. Then there's this one which appears to be turning into spaghetti squash. We eat lots of spaghetti squash. Wonderful to have so much food growing in our back yard. But what's really best is the fun of going out to water the garden and finding so many, many surprises.