Saturday, May 19, 2012


Not really sure what this mailbox is made from but thought it unique.

Still noticing

I realized this morning at 6am that I had forgotten to post my daily photo for the blog; ugh! It's not that I hadn't noticed anything throughout my day or that I hadn't taken any photos; I noticed many things like the "humane" animal trapping van on the fwy that had the logo "happy trapping" on it, the white Toyota entirely covered with red State Farm Insurance advertising, an annoying mockingbird chasing and continuously pecking the head of a frustrated squirrel, my grandson's bravery as he ventures through the playground tunnel that weeks ago he'd only stare through and shake his head no when encouraged to enter, and with all this "noticing" time and my memory slipped away from me and I settled in and fell asleep after midnight and floated off to dreamland without a blog thought; my apologies but as we have all experienced, life happens and we go along with the flow.