Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Noticed today that I've had this button in my cubicle since 2008; still holds true for me so it shall remain.

Newly Hatched

Walking home from the grocery store this afternoon, 
I happened to look down at just the right time
and noticed this bird's egg--
Good luck on your new adventure, Baby Bird.
It's a good world to be a part of.

Hair Ceremony

I saw him standing, looking down the hill. He wore his jammies and a quiet expression. He held something black in his hand.

The next day I stood, where he had been, absently gazing down the hill. While my dog sniffed around the weeds and flowers, I saw the two handfuls of hair, tossed about 10 feet apart.


With all the "noticing" I do for the blog, I completely neglected to notice my Internet bill until I went to try and post to the blog last night and was met with this friendly reminder....that made me stop and "notice".