Monday, May 21, 2012

Sweeping art

While at Disneyland, celebrating my grandson's 2nd birthday, I noticed this cast member who at first appeared to be sweeping up and I almost passed him like I have passed so many other workers who keep the park immaculately clean but I slowed down and noticed he wasn't sweeping but drawing Disney characters that disappeared almost as quickly as they were being drawn with his broom and some water; impressive; I sat and continued watching and was privileged to see Mickey, Dumbo and Jack Skellington; many others walked by by I "noticed".

People's Feet

I was at a family gathering with my fancy new camera and what do I find myself taking pictures of?   People's feet.

The Fame Game

Even our Home Depot wants to get in on the action.
Apparently, a portion of the movie BIG was filmed 
in the space.