Friday, November 30, 2012

For Jeanie:

Where are My Shoes?

I wondered where my tennis shoes were.
For two days I wondered.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fountain head

Cool piece on the side of a fountain


In my paintings lately, I have been using a lot of images with clothing. I love painting fabric. I love the shadows on his pant leg. This, I think, may be my next painting.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My favorite writing haunt


Reminds me of a hitching post

Charlie Brown Tree

I can't believe I missed another day of posting yesterday. Especially when I had photos waiting. Harumph!

We went to pick out our tree. So many to choose from, all growing straight and tall, smelling so fresh and full of sap. We have a high ceiling in our living room and can fit a big one. We have 50 years of collecting ornaments, so we need a big one.

And still, this one . . . this Charlie Brown tree . . . this was the one I wanted to take home.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012


This bird somehow got in the mall and was making the best of it hanging out near a pretzel vendor.

Looking Up


"Caution! Big tree stump! On empty hillside! Five roadblock signs needed!
Will expect follow-up report in two - five years!"

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Driving on the 10 fwy

Friday, November 23, 2012


One of the many Black Friday shoppers I came across- probably the nicest one


Waiting for Thanksgiving leftovers.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Elevated subway station beside a draw bridge.
"Going up!"
Riverdale, NYC

Play time

Max is a good sport and D finds him hilarious.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stunning wooden panels

Inside an elevator at Radio City, NYC

Pick a Color

Trying to pick a color to paint the kitchen. Are they kidding?
(Reminds me of Color & Design class in college. We had
to mix and paint little swatches of every hue and shade imaginable.)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Santa loving dog

Even working dogs love Santa. Santa's arrival is earlier every year.

Through the subway doors...

Like Waiting for Paint to Dry

No, wait. It's not like waiting for paint to dry. . . It is wating for paint to dry. That's my canvas, sitting on that chair in the sun. And I'm tapping my toe, waiting for the paint to dry. Thank goodness for that Los Angeles winter sun! (Opps, I think it's supposed to be "Like watching paint dry," which I am also doing.)

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Other Side

What's on the other side?

close up

Not camera shy that's for sure; I think this is his good side.

Autumnal Alchemy

Turning leaves to gold.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Store Front Indian

As many times as I frequent Disneyland, it never seizes to amaze me how I can always find something new and interesting to discover.

Trains, bridges and rivers

Metro-North railroad, Harlem River, Henry Hudson Bridge
Saturday afternoon.

They Find Me

My dad asked me how I find all the bones that I use in my artwork. I was stumped. I don't really know. I told him that it feels more like they find me.

The other day I was walking with Donkey where one side of the street is full of houses, the other side an empty hillside. It had just rained the day before. Donkey was pulling to go faster, to get to the house up ahead where the big dogs always bark at him. But something told me to slow down.

Then, it was as if I heard, "I'm here. A bone. Look over here." I looked down to my left and there it was. Part of a cat skull, I think.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Photo of a photo shoot

Washington Square Park, NYC


I used my urban tracking skills and found evidence of a pack of dogs nearby.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Times Square, NYC.

Eye on You

I've heard that people are encouraged to take photos of graffiti to send in to the police. I guess it's one way they monitor local gang activity. Do you think this one will help?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Orange cones at CA Adventure


I share some 'ukulele strum time with a young lady in a neighborhood not to far from mine.
The buildings are all tudor-style.  Lovely.
But last night when I walked out of her building, I looked up at the building across the street.
One thought came to mind: 

More Trash Heap Art

I don't know what this used to be. I'm thinking I should go back and rescue it from the trash heap. But I'm supposed to be cleaning out and organizing my studio. What to do, what to do . . .

Monday, November 12, 2012


Saw this service dog posing for a photo near a statue of Walt Disney at California Adventure; reminded me of a another awesome Golden I know.

Da Bronx

on a Monday morning.

Trash Heap Breakfast

Why would someone take this all the way to an illegal trash heap along a lonely dirt road on a hill? Why wouldn't they just put it in their trash can at home?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

From Orange to Pink

I missed two days in a row for no good reason other than I'm still confused by the time change. It gets dark at 5:00pm and by 7:00 my brain has turned off and I'm asking if I can go to bed. 

So today I'll post two. I went on a walk this late afternoon with my dog, Donkey. I love how the sun at that time of day turns everything orange:

We walked along the hill, poked around at the trash heap, then down the other side 
where I found that the world had turned from orange to pink:

Pink bougainvillea and pink mountains

Crazy pants

And I thought I had some crazy pants....



Saturday, November 10, 2012


Loved the angle and shadows falling on this window.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Waiting at Trader Joe's, possibly hoping for a treat for waiting patiently.

Bird watching

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gift Shop in Times Square, NYC


The Humming tree

When I go from my house to my studio, I walk 
under this huge carob tree. It makes me stop 
and look up, every time.
This tree hums.
It is full of bees, nearly invisible, but happily 
humming their way through a tree full of pollen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


My husband suggested getting a pizza at a local place that we used to frequent years ago; my dad and some of his buddies used to hang out there at the bar; he was a well known regular; my dad's been gone for over 8 years yet while we waited for our pizza we checked out the photos on display and it made me smile to see an old photo of my dad and mom as well as a family friend, Jimmy, who also passed a way a few years ago; brought back many fond memories; it was like I could still picture him sitting on a bar stool laughing and having a beer with his buddies..