Saturday, September 29, 2012

Huge Bird of Paradise

I've decided to concentrate more of my entries close to home. I walk our hill several times a day. Every time I walk it feels like a new neighborhood - every time I see something that makes me stop and notice. But usually I have forgotten my camera. No more.

drive without distractions

Thankful this is all that happened when a woman checking her GPS on her cell phone rear ended my husband in his parked postal vehicle.

Out of place

Yesterday I was with a friend
She: a white woman who'd grown up among the Maori of New Zealand
Me: a white man who teaches an ancient Hawaiian tradition
And we came across a wild turkey, digging for grubs and worms
in Battery Park--the very bottom tip of a very urban
New York City
All of us "out of place" in our community
and yet all of us managing to survive
(and perhaps even thrive)