Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Muffler Men

After over 3 years of driving the same road to work, I saw these 3 amigos for the first time in front of a local muffler shop; this last month, participating in this blog, has been a lesson in observance for me. I can't believe I have been passing these fine fellows daily when they have been obviously trying to get my attention.

Out to lunch

This was the sign that greeted me at a classroom I visited today.
It seems so much friendlier than
Don't you think?

No More Trash Heap

Every so often (and probably more often than I'd like) the city comes with a dump truck and hauls away my all-wise, all-knowing trash heap. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dancing Water

This just made me smile and that was good enough for me.

The Trash Heap Has Spoken, Nyeaah!

When my oldest son was little, his favorite show (and mine) was Fraggle Rock. Not the cartoon, but the original Jim Henson produced live puppet (oxymoron?) show on HBO. It remains the most amazing and wise show ever made. Period.

One of the characters was "The Trash Heap." She was the oracle. And she was a huge pile of trash. Her helpers were two rats (I think they were rats) with Boston (correct me if I'm wrong) accents. The fraggles would come to the trash heap and ask for her sage advice. After giving her enigmatic response, the rats would chime in with, "The Trash Heap has spoken. Nyeeah!"

This post isn't actually about Fraggle Rock. It's about my own personal trash heap, on the back of a hill in my neighborhood. I've told about  how people dump there; about how I should hate it; about how I love it instead. Here's what I recently found one afternoon, on a walk with Donkey (my golden retriever).

Two leather wallets, one Mexican sandal key chain (like I had when I was little), and a never-opened still-in-the-cellophane pop-up Pooh Bear greeting card. All things I really needed. Well, I did need a new wallet.

The Trash Heap Has Spoken. Nyeeah!


Walking to the store this morning,
I came across this pile of PVC pipes.
I got down on the ground to snap a photo of it
And I fell in love with the simplicity of the repeated shapes
And how the light changed the color of the pipes
inside the rings.
(Would I have paid attention to this before we started the blog?)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Stormy Weather

Was glad to have a "dry" drive home and to be able to get in our warm home before the winds and rain hit us. If we didn't need rain, I'd be happy to never have any; I'm not one of those who like to "walk in the rain" can't stand wet shoes and soggy socks and the cold doesn't put me in a romantic mood, it only makes my bones ache and long for flannel.

The tree's story

A couple of trees in our park have been cut down.
I walked past the stump of this beautiful tree this afternoon.
(I loved that it was still so golden! So vibrant!)
And I loved that I was able to take a picture
and help to capture (and share) its story.
Its legacy.
Its history is in its rings.

Waiting to be Noticed

I wish I could tell you that I was so patient a photographer as to be able to catch a leaf in flight.

Here's what really happened: I stopped to look at the rain clouds piling up on the mountains to our north. I'm not much of a fan of rain. It makes me tense up. But we have a new roof and this may be the first rain in 20-some years when no water will be dripping anywhere inside our house. I wondered if I could get a blog post out of those dark clouds. But then I started to think about all the errands I need to do today, the week's lessons I need to prepare, and my own drawing homework waiting for me. I turned with a sigh to go back in the house and found this leaf, caught in one strand of spider web, waiting . . . begging for me to notice.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The man behind the glass

Thought the image as seen behind a wall of fascinating textured glass was pretty cool.

Bookseller/street vendor

One of my favorite sites while out walking in NYC:
a bookseller/street vendor.
Just think of all of the treasures waiting to be (re)discovered.

Flowering Wisteria

Wisteria is rather unremarkable most of the year. and then, suddenly, it's amazing. 

The other morning I stopped to admire this neighbor's flowering vine. He came out of the house, bleary eyed, taking out the trash. I said to him how much I enjoyed his wisteria. "Huh?" he mumbled. I pointed. He turned and gave a surprised little, "Oh!" I continued on my walk. A few houses later I looked back. He was still standing, hands on hips, gazing dreamily at the wisteria trailing across his front porch.

Stop. Notice. Share.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shapes and Colors

I just liked the shapes, and the reds/oranges against blacks/greys.

Canine Nuptials

Witnessed the joining of Sport & Honey - long live puppy love!

Crossroads of the seasons

We are at a crossroads of the seasons here in NYC:
winter intersecting with spring
Bare trees & daffodils
(A delight to see during this morning's walk)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Runaway Peacocks

Saw these peacocks walking down the sidewalk in a nearby neighborhood; I wonder if they had a day pass from the Arboretum....

Golf Ball on the Side of the Road

I don't know why this tickled me so. It's just a golf ball in the gravel by the side of the road, 10 miles from the nearest golf course. But I'm glad I have the opportunity to walk instead of always driving, so that a golf ball on the side of the road can make happy for a moment.

Prize machines

When I was a little kid
and the promise that maybe I'd get lucky
and win some incredible prize.
Like kids playing the lottery.
The prize was never worth it,
but the potential was.
(by the way, these machines are now 75¢ instead of just 25¢
I guess inflation has even affected dreams...)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cubicle Guardian

This little guy stands on a book shelf behind my desk chair; I guess you could say he's got my back. Besides serving as unofficial cubicle guardian, he also serves as a reliver of stress; my little multi-tasker.

Flares & cones in front of theaters

I went to a show tonight in midtown.
They had flares set up right beside orange safety cones.
I thought something must have happened.
But I'm told that's a "new thing"
A way to clear the area in front of the theater
And I noticed cabs utilized that space to drop off patrons
And frightening.

Things That Squeak

I can hear high pitched noises that other people can't. I don't like being in a group of people because their cell phones - in their pockets, purses, and backpacks - are screaming at me. And it's not just cell phones. At best it is annoying, at worst I become borderline psychotic. I've had security guards follow me out of buildings. I've acted irrationally to more salespeople than I'd like to admit.

I've learned to avoid and adjust.

But I also hear colors. Intense, saturated colors make a sound. They screech a horrible high-pitched squeak. Well, they do to me, anyway.

Most people would love this:
A front yard completely covered in bougainvillea

I love it too. Really, I do. I just can't look at it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Car Wash

An insider's view of the drive-thru car wash. Weird, spooky fun.

A feather and its meaning

Walking to the store this evening,
I came upon this feather.
One of my friends believes a feather is an omen of "good things to come."
Another, whose mother has passed away, sees it as a sign that her mother loves her.
I like those ideas a lot more than
"This feather probably fell off of a diseased bird."

Balloon Trash

I came home very late last night, tired and more than a little frustrated from my life drawing class.  Opening the lid of the kitchen trash can, up popped this greeting.  Balloon animals. Gotta love 'em. Wherever you happen to find them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thirty Years Together

Looking through some old photos I started to see some similarities over the years. I guess I do lean on him more than I realized (in pictures and in real life). But . . . why do I always stand to his left?

Sweet Farewell

Cupcakes that were made for the farewell party of a co-worker. I was impressed by the details that captured her love of books (she is a librarian) and dragonflies. I was touched by the time and effort it took to make these special treats.

Tree mushrooms

Tree mushrooms remind me of giant clams.
I don't know why, but they fascinate me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tug of War

The mystery of the sock holes is solved......

Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

It's true! Spring is really just around the corner!
How do I know?
Just look at this store's window display!
Nothing says SPRING like headless male mannequins
with alabaster skin
dressed in tight black t-shirts
tiny black shorts
and heavy black combat boots.
The look of spring in NYC.

On Your Way Out

"Please read every label before you leave"
The inside of our front door looks like this.

If, on any random day, you asked me what our front door looks like, I wouldn't describe anything like this. Not because I wouldn't want you to know that the inside of our door is covered, top to bottom, with misspelled nonsense. No, it would be simply because I hardly see these crazy labels anymore.

But whenever I do happen to stop and notice, they make me happy. My favorite label: i'm every thing

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Appliance speak

I don't cook in our microwave but I do use it to reheat left overs and mostly to make popcorn. Last night, for the first time, I noticed that the microwave gave me a send off upon finishing the popcorn; I was so taken aback and thought I imagined it that I had to make another bag to verify I wasn't imagining it and there it was telling me to enjoy my movie night popcorn;  kinda creepy, kinda cool.

Canine Fashionista

We were out walking today and came upon this dog
A TRUE fashionista
Her sunglasses were also goggles.
I wondered if she was sporting the goggles because she needed eye protection
of if she was just wearing them to be cool.
And then it dawned on me:
So cool.

Dear Photograph

Dear Photograph,
You may be twice as tall, twice as old, but still you are thoughtful and sweet.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Picnic Area

I've lived on the same street for over 45 years and I pass this post several times a day without any notice but as I was walking past it the other day, I remembered how when I was younger my mom would pack me a "picnic" lunch and I was allowed to walk to this post, down the street but still in sight of our house, along with my next door neighbor friend and we would sit there and picnic and enjoy the view and think we were so independent and cool.

O'Keefe & Merritt

"O'Keefe & Merritt"

We've lived in this house for more than 26 years. About a month ago I noticed this sign in my kitchen under the stove top. It was like I had never, ever seen it before.

"O'Keefe & Merritt"

Had I really never seen it before? That made no sense, but it sure felt that way. I wasn't even sure what it was for, what it was doing there. Then I remembered the stove top that we replaced long ago.


I noticed this car while I was out walking today.
I think there are more rust-covered areas
than non-rust-covered areas
And I love it.
It's still out there on the road.
Right on.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Clementines are sunshine

Clementines in my kitchen
Look like
Taste like
(sunshine with little seeds)

One Man's Treasure . . .

On my daily walks in my neighborhood, I often end up on little-used dirt roads that weave around the hillsides. Lovely places to let my dog off the leash and enjoy the view. Even though the roads are rarely (if ever) used for through traffic, they are used as dumping grounds. It should disgust me. But it doesn't. It's a treasure trove, it's magical. Today, I brought home these three glass blocks. Tomorrow I will return to the pile to see what else I can carry home.


Whenever I visit the local nail salon, I am always greeted with a smile and their unique "you pick color" hello. Although I usually know what color I am going to use, I still like touching and shaking and sampling the rainbow array of colors available to me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Brotherly" Love

Sometimes we can choose who to call family.

Vintage radio

We have a vintage radio.
I'm guessing it comes from the 1930s.
We've had for so long that I really don't see it anymore.
But late one night,
I swear I heard music coming from it.
Radio waves that had been searching for a destination for so long...

Sometimes It's Better to be Silly

I should be doing my homework for my life drawing class. I should be concentrating, learning the skeleton, analyzing the human form. But sometimes it's better to be silly.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Best of Times

My family and I host an annual beach party and years ago I began collecting shells and storing them in an old glass pickle jar that I refer to as my "Best of Times". I keep it in view so that I can be transported back through my memories and remember children long grown up, bonfires long burned out and laughter floating out across the sea.

Free Books

Wanna know 2 words that will always make me stop in my tracks?
True story.

Please Don't Paint Over the Graffiti

Some graffiti should be allowed to stay

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hearts Afloat

A piece of my heart is traveling to faraway lands aboard this ship.

Post office's cornerstone

After walking out of the post office this afternoon,
I noticed that the cornerstone bore this inscription.
I was shocked to learn that my grandmother is older than the building.
She is in MUCH better shape.

One Day I Was Walking Along

You can be walking along, thinking nothing in particular, just one foot in front of the other, and suddendly, BAM! Something so simple, so ordinary, takes you back, completely and entirely, to an instant long ago.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Video art installation

I was coming out of a hula class
And I passed this video art installation.
Ghostly. Otherworldly.
Totally awesome.
Sometimes I love living in NYC.


Year after year, in spite of numerous attempts of destruction, these resilient poinsettias not only return but flourish. I look forward to their annual display and smile in remembrance of the sweet grandmotherly neighbor who planted them over 30 years ago. Many different residents have come and gone but these poinsettias always seem to return as if saying "I'm still here". For me, they are a tribute in honor of our dear sweet "Winnie".