Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I painfully had to fill my gas tank today; my pocketbook is bruised.

NYC wakes up

This morning, I sat in a coffee shop in Hell's Kitchen
and sipped coffee
and watched the city wake up.
I could get used to that.

Be Happy

This little chalkboard slate hangs by my front door.

Every December we have a party: Christmas Game Day. It's a big deal around here. Last December I wrote on my chalkboard "HAPPY! !!GAME DAY!!"

That message stayed until about Valentines Day when I finally erased the GAME DAY!! part of the message. But I was in a hurry (and not in the greatest mood) and couldn't decide what to put in its place. So I left it.

Today I noticed it again. And instead of the grumpy mood of that day, I'm in a great mood on this day. And I realized: why do I need to be told to be happy about some specific thing or event?

"!HAPPY!!" is enough for me.