Friday, August 31, 2012

full serve

Was surprised today to pull into a gas station and discover they offered full service.


Went to a barbershop today.
No, not a salon.  Not even a "budget salon."
There were only men in there
including a father and his young son.

A barber cut my hair.
No, not a stylist.  
He even shaved the back of my neck
using a straight razor and warm shaving cream.
I felt like I'd stepped back in time.

It was heaven.

Treasure in the Rafters

I recently made a commitment to use up (or get rid of) the piles of odds and ends I've collected over the years as "art supplies." I fear a hoarding situation is developing. In the last week, I've made some inroads with cleaning out and organizing my studio. I can now, almost, move through my studio without tripping or knocking over a precarious pile. I was feeling pretty good about it all.

Then I looked up:
 I forgot that my rafters are full of more stored and forgotten treasures,