Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My favorite new book

Don't let appearances fool you.
This ain't no ordinary notebook. No, sir.
Lynda Barry showed me how to make it MAGICAL.
Now it sings songs of days gone by.
Can't argue with that.

Hopeful symbol

Pushing through the earth, these first flowers of spring reminded me of a time when I surprisingly received an anonymous gift of daffodils as a symbol of hope. Nearly 2 years later, I remain hopeful.                                               

Coyotes in Los Angeles

On a nearby hillside I've found this coyote. I think he is lovely. I see him in my mind's eye all shiny and golden, with bright white teeth fixed in a smile. I lean in closer and closer and my heart begins to pound. That's when I remember, and I take a step back. With my heart still pounding hard, standing on a poorly maintained road on a lonely hillside, I remember that to everyone else - this is roadkill. And I sadly leave it be. But I'll check on it again, next time I walk that way, and it never looks like roadkill to me.