Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Double Take

Saw this kid walking and his hair made me do a double take; made me wonder what he spends more time or homework?

Man on the subway with a giant pencil

I saw this dude on the subway today
standing there with a pencil that was taller than him...
Sometimes I love this wacky city.

How to Stop the Circle of Doubt

I came home from my life drawing class last night frustrated and defeated. So defeated that I wanted to throw up my hands and give up on all my current creative pursuits; too frustrated to bother to remember my daily post. Felt like such a poser. "Whoever said I was good at this? Not me!"

Pulling myself together enough this morning to sit at my work table and make something, I sorted through the bits and pieces and came across this:

I don't know how much it really helped, but it certainly gave me a moment to get out of my head and stop the endless circle of doubt.

And then in floated my teacher's words from the first day of class: "Most of you will want to quit around the middle of the semester, some of you will disappear." Guess what? Next week is the middle of the semester. Maybe I'm not so terrible. Maybe, in fact, I'm on right on track.

I think I might make myself a name tag with this. Then, next week when I'm frustrated again (and I know I will be), I'm going to pause, read my name tag, stop the circle of doubt, and get on with it!